Thursday, July 17, 2008

KGB Psyops from the horse's mouth

KGB Psyops from the horse's mouth

Here is an eye opener that was pointed out to me recently by someone whom I have a great deal of respect for and who doesn't subscribe to wild conspiracy theories. What amazes me is that it's the first time I had heard of this interview. The implications are exceedingly dramatic, and should have set off alarms in every household in America... unless, of course, it's working...

1 comment:

Hector Owen said...

Thanks for the link. Or should I say, "Hi, hon!"

It seems to me that it's been working for decades. As I said here, "The memes become self-perpetuating, and like mines in an old minefield, are still deadly even when one of the combatants (the USSR, in this case) no longer exists."

It takes a long time. But after enough time … children are being taught from texts that emphasize the sins of the Founders, rather than their virtues (Howard Zinn, et al.), that Christopher Columbus was a wicked exploiter (well, he was, but also a man who changed the world), and so forth and so on.

And as I said here, "The amount of "conventional wisdom" that started out as enemy psyops is amazing. Sun Tzu probably said something about this. If you can make your enemy give up, because they have become convinced that they are just no damn good, you have won."

And you might want to look at this. Some of the Venona material has been public for over a decade, but no-one seems to want to admit that many of our prominent intellectuals and, indeed, government officials, were paid agents of influence. People become invested in their beliefs. I'm sure there are still some who think that Alger Hiss was innocent … and so on.